Vol 26, No 3 (2020)

Table of Contents


Contents PDF


Induction of labour – a misused blessing: Prospective study of factors influencing the success of induction and comparison of fetomaternal outcomes with spontaneous labour PDF
V Vinod, RG Bhat, PV Bhat, N Zahoor, S Bhat 84-88
Characteristics and outcomes of obstetric patients with maternal sepsis requiring admission to a South African intensive care unit: A retrospective review PDF
JY Lafon, EC Buga, GD Nethathe 89-93
Association between adipose tissue thickness and fibroid shrinkage using ultrasound-guided high‑intensity focused ultrasound PDF
GCW Peiser, K Jacobson, RT Spence, R Setzen 94-98
Labour epidurals in Gauteng Province, South Africa PDF
J Wagner, S Chetty, F Paruk, P Kamerman 99-104
A study to establish normal reference values of urine flow parameters in healthy South African females PDF
Z Abdool, NE Manana, P Becker 105-109
The role of cervical length in predicting the success of induction of labour PDF
A Amupala, T Cronje, S Adam 110-114
An audit of complications of complex operative gynaecological laparoscopy at a tertiary healthcare facility in South Africa PDF
C N Omile, S Ramphal, J Moodley 115-120

Review article

Advanced extra-uterine pregnancy: A review of the literature PDF
S Ramphal, O P Khaliq, J Moodley 121-125

CPD questionnaire


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The South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology| Online ISSN: 2305-8862 | Print ISSN: 0038-2329 | 

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